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What is Scanlife?

Scanlife is a program that transforms your mobile phone into a 2-d barcode reader. These barcodes can show menu events, download content, lead you to a website, create a calendar entry in your phone and more. It is Scanlife's mission to barcode the world and make everything as simple as a scan.

12:40 PM

What Will Happen if This Media is Pushed To Its Outer Limit

If this media is pushed to its outer limit, there will be no more words or books or descriptions, everything will be coded onto barcodes. People will no longer need to e-mail or text message or send letters, they will simply show or scan a barcode. This media will reverse from its original intention, which was to allow for a new form of communication and to make things easier. Instead, it will replace most forms of communication, both written and verbal. 

12:30 PM

What Scanlife Will Obsolesce

This new media will obsolesce current methods of advertising. No longer will a movie poster need to advertise times and trailers, a simple barcode will take this information’s place. It will obsolesce the use of yellow pages because if a user wants to find a person or place, they simply scan the barcode. It will obsolesce the way we used to use mobile phones and their browsers. Phones will become much more relevant and no longer will text messages be used, instead a barcode will be sent and huge e-mails can be contained in one symbol. In an extreme situation, this media could actually obsolesce alot of written word such as the newspaper and books. Rather than printing information, a barcode will be posted and the user can scan to read the entire book or article. 

12:28 PM

What Scanlife Retrieves From The Past

This invention retrieves the idea of hieroglyphics from past technologies. It recreates the use of images to tell a story. Just by scanning a small pattern, the user can retrieve a vast amount of information, almost as if it is a new age form of hieroglyphics. By using a simple small pattern similar to hieroglyphics, this technology retrieves the idea of using symbols to represent larger messages. 

12:17 PM


How Scanlife Will Enhance Your Life

There are many applications involved with Scanlife which range from barcodes on bus stations which you scan in order to find the bus times or local restaurants to price comparison. These applications will enhance the users life because it will make everything much more accessible and just by scanning a barcode the user can have any information about the band, movie, building, the list goes on. No longer will people need to reach a computer to see a movie preview, they can scan the barcode on the movies poster and instantly see the preview and show times. A user who is grocery shopping can scan an item and see when it was produced and the safety of it. This technology extends the users arms, revolutionizes shopping and advertising and also makes the mobile phone a much more important part of daily life.

12:23 PM


More Info on Scanlife

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